And in John 18:4, in yet another garden Jesus asks the Roman Cohort "Who do you seek?" not once, but twice...

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Echoes from the borderlands of Eden as well... Genesis 3:9-11, where in that first garden, God calls to the hidden ones, "Where are you?" and "Who told you?" God is searching and knowing us and helping us to search and know ourselves by asking after us...

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Mar 25Liked by Nathan Hoff

When teaching small children in Sunday School, you will get mostly right answers from the class if you ask the question in such a way that the answer is "God" and or "Jesus".

A recent detective drama featured the lead detective/investigator prodding the junior detective to "Ask better questions" when the answers they were getting to their last questions weren't getting them any closer to solve the case.

If the answer to my question isn't coming up "Jesus", then maybeI should be asking better questions.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Nathan Hoff

Perhaps too simple, but "what I am seeking" seems task, reads LAW.

"Who are you seeking" is person, relationship, life, GOSPEL.

The WHAT is found in (FULFILLED IN) the WHO.

I've been working with this, lately... perhaps there is a connection here...


1) Remember WHO you are.

2) Remember WHOSE you are.

3) Remember Who You LOVE.

4) Remember WHO LOVES YOU.

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Great topics Nathan! My first thought about ‘What are you seeking?” is they’re seeking the Truth.

Then, when she knew the Truth, Mary was asked “Who are you seeking?” She knew it was Jesus Himself who was the Truth.

God so often asked questions, knowing the answers, but so the people He asked would deeply process and tell the truthful answers.

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